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14 Signs You Need Whiplash Treatment After a Car Accident

Written By Community Chiropractic Center on October 18, 2019

whiplash treatment auto injuryPlantation, FL is one of the most dangerous places in the country for drivers. 

Over 240,000 people suffer injuries in crashes on Florida roads each year. It may (or may not) surprise you to learn that Broward County tops the list, contributing to over 10% of Florida’s 387,900 vehicle accidents in 2017.

Distracted driving plays a significant role in Florida accidents. Even if you don’t text and drive, you can’t stop other drivers from picking up their phones on the road and causing an accident.

Unfortunately, many people fail to seek proper whiplash treatment and suffer long-term consequences.

What are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 806,000 people sustain whiplash injuries every year.

Sadly, many people may not realize they’ve suffered a spinal injury like whiplash and fail to seek treatment. In most cases of chronic neck injury, patients can trace the source of their pain back to a vehicle accident.

Keep an eye out for these symptoms in the hours and days following an accident:

  1. Stiff neck or pain
  2. Neck pain that gets worse with movement
  3. Poor neck range of motion
  4. Headaches
  5. Sore shoulders or upper arms
  6. Numbness or tingling in arms or hands (a sign of damaged nerves in the neck)
  7. Fatigue
  8. Dizziness
  9. Blurred vision
  10. Irritability 
  11. Memory problems
  12. Ringing in your ears
  13. Concentration issues
  14. Sleeping problems

Comprehensive and Gentle Whiplash Treatment in Plantation, FL

Leading the team of doctors at Community Health and Wellness Center, Dr. Howard Dinner has nearly 30 years of experience and extensive post-graduate training treating patients for whiplash as well as complex workplace and vehicle injuries. 

Auto injuries require personalized and proactive treatment. Schedule an appointment now by calling 954-370-7246.

Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Treatment